Volunteer events in Silver Spring, MD
Free Falun Dafa Meditation Group Practice and Class
Sunday at 10:00 AM + 26 more
National Mall in front of Air & Space Museum
Free Falun Dafa Meditation Group Practice and Class
Sunday at 10:00 AM + 26 more
National Mall in front of Air & Space Museum
Winter Formal (presented by Immaculate Conception Young Adults)
Sat, Jan 25, 7:00 PM
Immaculate Conception Church
Winter Formal (presented by Immaculate Conception Young Adults)
Sat, Jan 25, 7:00 PM
Immaculate Conception Church
Eve of Eve DC - Eve of New Year's Eve Afrobeats & Amapiano Masquerade Ball
Monday at 10:00 PM
The Continent DC
Eve of Eve DC - Eve of New Year's Eve Afrobeats & Amapiano Masquerade Ball
Monday at 10:00 PM
The Continent DC
SCA MLK Day of Service at Kenilworth Park and Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens
Sat, Jan 18, 9:00 AM
Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens
SCA MLK Day of Service at Kenilworth Park and Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens
Sat, Jan 18, 9:00 AM
Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens
Spiritual Protection for Sensitive People and Empaths Workshop
Sat, Jan 11, 9:00 AM
5852 Washington Blvd suite 5
Spiritual Protection for Sensitive People and Empaths Workshop
Sat, Jan 11, 9:00 AM
5852 Washington Blvd suite 5
Washington: 21 Day- Free Kundalini Inner Energy Awakening Meditation
Sat, Jan 25, 8:45 PM
Online - Zoom
Washington: 21 Day- Free Kundalini Inner Energy Awakening Meditation
Sat, Jan 25, 8:45 PM
Online - Zoom
Mr. DC "Men of Culture" Community and Networking Event
Fri, Jan 10, 5:00 PM
Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library
Mr. DC "Men of Culture" Community and Networking Event
Fri, Jan 10, 5:00 PM
Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library